About ACT for Anxiety

ACTforAnxiety.com is devoted to evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral therapies in general, with a particular focus on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, for individuals that suffer with anxiety-related problems.

Our research occurs within the Anxiety Disorders Research Program (ADRP) at the University at Albany, SUNY. John P. Forsyth, Ph.D., directs this internationally recognized research program, which is staffed by a number of graduate students in clinical psychology and undergraduate research assistants. The mission of the ADRP is to understand the nature of human suffering and its successful alleviation. We conduct basic laboratory research and more applied research, and do so largely within newer cognitive-behavioral approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (or ACT, said as one word). We do not provide clinical services outside of ongoing research activities.

Learn more about our work by exploring this site, visit our lab web site, or read about the work we've recently completed.

Contact Dr. Forsyth to inquire about training to become a researcher, attending or hosting ACT workshops for the public or professionals, consultation services, or media requests.